In March this year I did a blogging course called Bright Eyed and Blog Hearted created by Rachel MacDonald, a big hearted blogging coach with a stellar blog and a background in PR.
I had followed Rachel’s work for a while and knew I was in for something spectacular. Little did I know just how incredibly valuable the course would be. In true Rachel style she massively over delivered, far exceeding expectations. Think a step by step guide of how to become a successful blogger.
Want to do something you love, connect with people all over the world, be location independent and make money from blogging? The dream? Well Bright Eyed and Blog Hearted is just the ticket.
My traffic has increased exponentially since doing the course despite posting less frequently and I have a community now of people who not only read my blog, but engage with my work. After all why do we blog in the first place?…. to connect. I have also had agencies contacting me to advertise on my site ( something I am not doing at this stage yet) Since creating my work with me page I have been flat out with lifestyle shoots and food styling jobs – all recommendations from Bloghearted girls.
If you have a business in 2014 you cannot afford not to have a blog – a place where potential customers can engage with you and get to know you a bit more.. what you stand for, what’s important to you, learn how much they are valued.
Besides the mind blowing content what I found to be of such incredible value was the Bloghearted facebook group. Think 300+ ( more now) likeminded, positive people ready to support and cheer each other on. I have made so many friends online and in person through our regular local meet ups.
It is priceless.
I don’t often do affiliate links because I will only recommend something that I stand behind 100%, but I stand behind BE+BH 200%. I have been singing the course’s praises since I started it and was blown away by it and I am so excited to be able to offer it to you today. Rach is opening the course again and you have until Thursday 24th June to sign up.
The course in 8 weeks long and it is all done online. You can go at your own pace and because you gain access for life, you can go back and do it over and over again. ( I am doing it again this time around)
The cost is AUD$397.
If you would like to know more please don’t hesitate to email me with any questions you have.
..and when you are ready to hop onboard you can do so here
But don’t just take my word for it…. you can read heaps of lovely testimonials from current Bloghearts and learn more about the course by clicking here.
(This is an affiliate link)
I can’t wait to start this journey again with you.
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