The Luminous Kitchen has won it’s first award thanks to Ness from Thank you so much for the nomination darling.
The Liebster Blog Award recognizes bloggers that have a growing audience and winning it requires me to do the following
// Link back and recognize the blogger who nominated me
Vanessa (Ness) Vickery from is a Nutritionist and soon to be Life and Wellness Coach. I am so inspired by Ness’s story and the gentle reminder that what we choose to fill our plates and bodies with has such a profound impact on our entire lives. I just love Ness’s healthy, down to earth recipes so make sure you check out her site for real food inspiration and get her gorgeous new free ebook, Healthy Dinner Eats. Thank you so much again Ness for nominating The Luminous Kitchen.//Answer 10 questions given to me by my nominator
//Nominate another 10 bloggers for the award
My nominees are
1. Vienda from
2. Meg from
3. Tegan from
4. Em from
5. Karla from
6. Renee from
7. Tara from
8. Carly from
9. Bec from
10. Claire from
//Create 10 questions for them to answer:
1. If you were to have a band what would you call it?
2. If you could learn any language instantly what would it be?
3. If you could pick another career other than the one you are pursuing what would it be?
4. What is one little known, strange fact about you?
5. If you could visit any country which one would it be?
6. If you could donate $10 000 to charity which charity would you pick?
7. If you could create one thing what would it be?
8. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life what would it be?
9. What does your ideal day look like?
10. What is one piece of advice you can offer to someone wanting to start a blog?
//Notify my nominees
//Get an award button and display it proudly
Here are the questions Ness asked me:
1. What inspired you to start your blog?
I worked as a self taught cook on yacht for most of my 20’s, but when we moved to Australia I knew I didn’t want to work in a restaurant kitchen. I had always drooled over beautifully styled foodie pics on Pinterest, but I let that voice in my head tell me I could never do that. When Corey and I started our health food biz, FoodActually, I wanted to take some photos of our products. A local in the coffee shop I was working in gave me a dslr camera and started to play and have fun with it, learning as I went. When I started taking a decent photo I wanted to find a way to share my recipes and photos with people. I also wanted to inspire people to take back their kitchens and showcase that cooking real food doesn’t have to be boring, tedious or tasteless.
2. Do you prefer beach or snow?
Coming from South Africa I haven’t spent much time in the snow besides a trip to Austria in 2012. I thought I would be so much better at snowboarding than I actually was. Picture it… me holding onto the face of a very icy, steep slope that Corey had convinced me to go down.. clinging to it face on like a crab and crying because I was convinced I would be stuck there forever all the while mini euro kiddies are flying passed me on skies. So I think its safe to say I’m more of a beach girl.
3. What is your favorite band/artist?
Ben Howard. LOVE
4. What skill would you like to learn?
I love that we live in a world where you can teach yourself how to do just about anything with the help of the internet and Youtube tutorials. Although it’s not my style of cooking I would love to learn some Heston techniques in the kitchen.
5. Where was the last place you travelled to?
The past year and a half have been all about grounding for me. Moving to Australia after years traveling on yachts I have needed to be in one place and embrace being all here even when my itchy feet have made me want to fly. So it was a while ago now but the last place I travelled to was the Maldives on honeymoon. Pure paradise.
6. What do you do to pamper yourself?
I love to exfoliate and dry brush and then smother my entire body in coconut oil
7. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Early bird all the way. I wake up at 5.30 on Sundays … who does that? Its not on purpose by the way.
8. Who is your idol?
Hmm I have a few in different areas. Food Photography.. Katie Quinn Davies. I ADORE her work. Jamie Oliver… for his passion and the work he does in educating people about real food. I love me some Tony Robbins… the man is made of passion and purpose. Turia Pitt… for her fighting spirit.
9. What is your favorite childhood memory?
Camping all over Africa with my mom, dad and 3 sisters. African sunsets, close encounters with wildlife, endless fights in the back of the combi, the vile taste of malaria tablets and the sweet smell of campfires.
10. What is your favorite quote or affirmation?
“Everyone has oceans to fly if they have the heart to do it. Is it reckless? Maybe. But what do dreams know of boundaries.” ~ Amelia Earhart.
renee bell says
oh how cool! thanks for tagging me, I will do my post asap 🙂